Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Harry, Harry, Harry!

As most of you know, I am a Harry Potter fanatic! I have read all 7 books (most of them twice) and own all of the movies that are out. When I heard a rumor that a theme park was being opened, I immediately started to research. Much to my excitement I learned that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter would open in 2010!!

Even though the actual opening is not until June 18, my dear friend Mary Straton was actually able to be one of the first to visit Harry's world this week! I sent her a text asking about it, and this was the response (and I quote): "Omgomgomgomg it was AMAZING!!" Since they were the first group in they couldn't take any pictures. Sad for KT but hopefully I'll be able to visit Harry soon. Here's to June 18!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Where is it? Orlando? I'd be willing to go to Orlando just to see that!